한국진화학회 - 학술모임 > 오는 학술대회
제 78회 한국생물과학협회 정기학술대회
2023년 8월 9-11일
한국진화학회는 2023년 8월 9일부터 11일(수~금)에 걸쳐 강원대학교에서 개최되는 제 78회 한국생물과학협회 정기학술대회에 회원 학회로서 참가하였습니다.
한국진화학회 관련 발표 일정:
기조강연 (8/9, 수요일, 17:30-18:00)
Changku Kang (강창구), Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry, Seoul National University (서울대학교), Korea
Title: Behavioural ecology of animals using hidden signals
신진연구자 및 대학원생 구두발표 (8/9, 수요일, 13:00-15:20)
신진연구자 발표
Jihoon Jo (조지훈), Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University (성균관대학교), Korea
Title: Unlocking a New Sexual System: Genomic Introgression in the Algal Genus Vaucheria
대학원생 발표
Won Hee Ko (고원희), School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University (서울대학교), Korea
Title: Why did ancient dogs usually have curly tails?; The polygenic adaptation evidence in the domestication history
한국진화학회 구두발표 세션 I (8/10, 목요일, 16:00-18:30)
Chair: Choongwon Jeong (Seoul National University)
16:00-16:25 The role of recognition error in the stability of green-beard genes
Jibeom Choi, Department of Applied Mathematics, Kyung Hee University
16:25-16:50 Using time-series of genetic diversity to infer infectious disease dynamics
Yeongseon Park, Department of Biology, Emory University
16:50-17:15 Investigating correlation between gaps and substitution in aligned sequence data
Tae-Kun Seo, Korea Polar Research Institute
17:15-17:30 Phylogeny of Cave Crickets (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) reveals evolution and biogeography without wings
Do-Yoon Kim, School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University
17:30-17:45 Unraveling the evolutionary patterns of chemosensory genes in mosquitoes: Insights into evolutionary inferences in blood-feeding habit
Woo Jun Bang, School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University
한국진화학회 구두발표 세션 II (8/11, 금요일, 08:30-11:30)
Chair: Changku Kang (Seoul National University)
08:30-08:55 Evolution of animal chemical communication and chemosensory systems
Daehan Lee, Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University
08:55-09:10 Potential role of antipredatory reactions in the evolution of pennaceous feathers in non-avian dinosaurs
Jinseok Park, School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University
09:10-09:35 An evolutionary analysis of Korean homicide for the past 110 years
Sangkwon Woo, Department of Sociology, Chungnam National University
09:35-09:50 Redox Proteomics Reveals Thiol Oxidation Modulation in Paulinella micropora through Light/Dark Conditions
Duckhyun Lhee, Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University
10:05-10:30 Positive feedback between demographic and fitness fluctuation greatly amplifies population size oscillation
Yuseob Kim, Division of EcoScience, Ewha Womans University
10:30-10:45 The evolution and genomic divergence of red algal genus Ahnfeltia (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta)
Hocheol Kim, Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University
10:45-11:00 Multipartite mitochondrial genomes and their origin in red algae
Yongsung Lee, Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University
11:00-11:15 Genetic population structure of the Xiongnu Empire at imperial and local scales
Juhyeon Lee, School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University
11:15-11:30 Reconstructing the genetic relationship between ancient and present-day Siberian populations
Haechan Gill, School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University
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